Therapy session

Addiction Recovery Support

Trauma and addiction often go hand in hand. Trauma refers to any unpleasant, disturbing, or shocking event that is too much for someone to process or handle. These events could include any type of abuse, neglect, accidents, natural disasters, or any other kind of violence. On the other hand, addiction is a serious, ongoing brain illness that causes compulsive behaviour, such as using drugs or alcohol.

healing from trauma and addiction
This is because trauma affects the brain in a manner which makes it easier for an individual to abuse substances and develop an addiction. Additionally, the psychological consequences of trauma, such as anxiety, depression, and feelings of helplessness, can cause a person to use drugs and alcohol as a way of selfsoothing.
Moreover, those with a history of trauma might resort to drugs or alcohol to mask or ignore the distressing memories and emotions that have been experienced. This leads to a vicious cycle of addiction and trauma, where the addiction reinforces the trauma, and the trauma reinforces the addiction.
However, there is hope. Through the right support and treatment, individuals can overcome both trauma and addiction. Trauma-informed care, which looks at the way in which trauma has had an effect on a person’s life, is extremely beneficial in aiding those with past trauma to heal and develop healthier ways of coping. Furthermore, therapy that focuses on the trauma which has led to an addiction is very effective in helping individuals find lasting recovery. Such therapies include cognitive-behavioural therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), and other evidence-based therapies.
To sum up, the relationship between trauma and addiction is complex and daunting, but it is also an opening for recovery and growth. By being aware of the link between the two issues, and by obtaining appropriate treatment, individuals can take positive steps towards leading a more gratifying life.